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Thank you for choosing to purchase KitLog Pro. The CD version of KitLog Pro can be purchased for $49.95. Simply click on one of the resellers listed below.

Aircraft Extras, Inc.

Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co.

Aircraft Tool Supply


Builder’s Bookstore

Cleaveland Aircraft Tool

Van’s Aircraft

kitlog.com & mykitlog.com Web Sites Restored!!  We had a RAID adapter fail on the www.kitlog.com and www.mykitlog.com web server causing both sites to be unavailable for a number of days. A new adapter was procured and the systems have been 100% recovered successfully with zero data loss! All systems are back to normal and log uploads can be continued as normal.

Windows 10/11 Installation  Here is a FAQ with tips on Installing Kitlog Under Windows 10/11

Also how to fix the "Failed to load resources from resource file. Please check your setup" startup error, under Windows 10/11.


Kitlog Pro 2.0 Compatibility  Kitlog Pro 2.0 is fully compatible with Windows XP, Vista, W7, W8, W8.1, W10, and W11 in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions!

MyKitLog.com!  Click on the MyKitLog.com tab above to search for experimental aircraft builders from all over the world. See more than 1521 Projects and over 301,239 Log Entries!

Over 6000 Copies Sold!  Click on the Testimonials tab and see why over 6000 builders are using our software. Building an aircraft? KitLog Pro 2.0 is for you!

Kitlog Pro Acquired By Matronics!  The company that has brought you great Forums like the RV-List, Zenith-List, and Pietenpol-List for nearly two decades is now the proud owner of this outstanding builders kit logging software package - Kitlog Pro!!

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